Creating a Journey Management Activity in SafetyIQ

Creating a New Journey

A New Journey Activity can be created from the Toolbox page in SafetyIQ. To create a new Journey Activity, navigate to the Toolbox page then Plan a new Journey by following the instructions below. 

1. Click on ‘Toolbox’ then select ‘Plan'.

select plan in journey management

Upon loading the form, please fill in the necessary journey details below. Follow the provided steps to ensure a thorough and precise completion.

fill out the details in your journey plan

  1. Check that your ‘Team’ is accurate – if the Team is not displayed, the Team may not be Active – an error will appear when attempting to save the Activity if this is the case.
  2. Enter any devices or passengers that will be associated to the activity, if applicable.
  3. Provide the starting location, anticipated start time, and date.
  4. Specify the travel method in the Action method field.
  5. Include additional details about the chosen Action method.
  6. Enter the next checkpoint or final destination with the anticipated finish time and date.
  7. If applicable, add any additional checkpoints or stops.
  8. After reviewing the activity, save by clicking the 'Save' button if no further changes are needed.



Reviewing the Journey

After creating your journey, you will be sent to the review page to make any adjustments if needed. 

finalize activity and view details

The Activity will now appear in the dashboard of your account. Here, you can review any activities that are active and upcoming. To get additional information about the activity, press the details button. 

go back to dashboard to see active journey