Export and Import Data


To get information out of the Safety Indicators system, you can use the steps below to Export and download it in the form of an Excel spreadsheet.

To get information into the system, you can Import a file from your computer.

Importing and Exporting works similarly for all Modules, although each Module has its own settings. 

Only people with the appropriate Permissions can import/export data for a particular Module. Keep in mind that the Customer Success team at Safety Indicators is available to assist with these functions.


In this example, we will be Exporting the details of all Safety Incidents currently in the system, in a ‘summary’ spreadsheet. 

Note that the fields in the system’s Incident Details forms correspond to the columns in the exported spreadsheet.

  Click Safety in the left menu

  Click the large icon in the Safety Incidents card, to open a List View of Incidents

A  At the top, click on More, then from the drop-down menu, select Export



  In the Export Options window that appears, click on the Filter button at the topIn the Filters window, you may filter the data that will appear in the exported spreadsheet. For example:
A  Click the down-arrow in the Project field, then select the Project (or Worksite, Department, etc.)
Now, the exported file will only include data from that Project.  
You can also filter to only include Incidents with a certain Status, Assignee, Classification, or Date Range -- or any combination of those parameters.
B  Click Apply at the botto




A  In the Export Options window, under Export Settings, you can change the Export Title to whatever you want the name of the exported file to be.
B  Under Field Mappings, you can choose which data points you’d like to include in the data export. All items are checked by default; simply uncheck the ones that are not necessary
C  The Field Name column indicates what that field is called in the system. The Name to Export column initially mirrors the Field Names, but here, you can change any item to whatever you’d like the column header to be in the exported spreadsheet
D  Click the Export button at the bottom to export the file


The exported Excel file should then appear in your computer’s Downloads Folder.
If needed, that file can then be imported into another system.


In this example, we will be importing a summary Excel spreadsheet of multiple Incidents, including details, into the system. 

To make things easier, the spreadsheet should be prepared so its column headers correspond to the column headers in the system’s Safety Incidents List View. However you will be able to make ‘matching’ adjustments later in the process.

STEP 1: Getting Started
   Click Safety in the left menu

   Click the large icon in the Safety Incidents card, to open the List View of Incidents

 At the top, click on More, then from the drop-down menu, select Import, then select Excel





STEP 2: Import Options

A  In the Import Options window, select an Import Type, as explained here:

Add New Items Only:
The items in Excel that are not currently in the system will be added to the system.
If an item in the Excel file matches an item already in the system, it will be ignored.

Update Existing Items Only:
When an item in Excel matches an item in the system, the system will adopt the updated data from Excel.
If an item in Excel does not already exist in the system, it will be ignored.

Both: Add New & Update Existing Items:
When an item in Excel matches an item in the system, the system will adopt the updated data in Excel.
If an item in Excel does not already exist in the system, it will be imported into the system.
This ‘combination’ option tends to be the most commonly used one.

B  Click the Browse button, then navigate to, and Open, the Excel file that you want to Import
C  Click the down-arrow in the Project field, and select which Project you want to import the file into
Note that your company may use ‘Worksites,’ ‘Departments,’ etc., instead of ‘Projects.’
D  Click Next






STEP 3: Data Matching
The Map Lists window is for matching the Excel list headers (data categories) with the system’s list headers. You can Import as much or as little information as you want.

Note that if you are importing an Excel file to a certain Project for the first time (i.e., you are starting out with no existing data in the system’s List View), steps A and B below are unnecessary.

In the left column are the List Headers used in the system’s List View. You are not able to change these.

A  In the Match? column, check the box if you want the system to see if there's an exact match with a corresponding header in the spreadsheet.

If a match is found, it will update the system's database with the new data from the spreadsheet. If a match is not found, the new item (in this case, an incident record) will be added to the database. If you don't check the box, it will still add the data from the spreadsheet, but without first searching for an exact match.

The rule of thumb is to check these boxes only if the data is ‘unique.’ For example, Employee IDs and Incident Summary Titles tend to be unique, or different, for each item; Assignee and Gender are not. This is to help the system understand what needs to be updated, and to prevent duplicates in the system.

B  In the Excel List Header column, you can click in each cell to replace what’s there with the corresponding column header in the Excel file, if it’s different. You can also click the down-arrow to select from the list of available options.

Leave the cell blank if the data category does not exist in the Excel file (i.e., there’s nothing to import).

Note System List Headers that have a red asterisk – these are required fields; there must be a corresponding column in the Excel document, and something entered here under Excel List Header.

C  Click Validate at the bottom to continue



The small Information window will show you how many records will be added, and how many will be updated. 
•  Click OK

You will then be presented with a list showing all the added and/or updated data points that are being imported.
•  Click Import at the bottom. 
•  When the small Success window confirms the import, click OK. You’re done.

The imported set of new Incidents will now appear in the system’s Safety Incident List View for that Project.