InSite Charts & Dashboards


The InSite section of Safety Indicators opens a wealth of meaningful and actionable safety-related information. Raw captured data is compiled and summarized in real time, and displayed in a flexible variety of clear, color-coded charts.

• Note that various people within the organization will have access to different levels and types of InSite data.





Shown here are some of the chart formats used for displaying compiled and summarized safety data 




The types of up-to-date safety information displayed in Insite charts include, but are not limited to:

• Performance across multiple projects

• Key Performance Indicators

• Statistical trends over time

• Leading and lagging Indicators

• Numbers of open and closed Observations and Audits

• Types and frequency of Incidents

• Training Compliance broken down by Employee or Course

• Overview of compliance by type and project

• Number of BBS Inspections conducted, and infractions noted

If you can’t find the data or chart you need, see your company’s safety administrator.






 In the left main menu, click Insite

 At the top of the InSite window, click the My Dashboards tab

C  Click the down-arrow at the top next to All Projects, and select a Project (or Worksite, Dept., etc.)

D  Click the green Plus Sign to add a new Dashboard




If you do not see the My Dashboards tab, and would like to have this functionality, see your company’s Safety Administrator. They can grant the necessary Permissions, and also help you select the exact Charts you need.




A  In the Dashboard Selection window, enter a Name for your Dashboard in the Tab Title field at top

B  Click to choose a layout for your Dashboard from among the options on the left. You'll see a preview of that arrangement on the right.

In one of the Dashboard segments, click the large green Plus Sign to begin filling that segment with a chart






A  In the Dashboard Selection window, click one of the topics in the list to see the Insite Charts available for that topic

B  Click once on a Chart that you’d like to add to your Dashboard

The icon on the left of each shows the Chart Format (see Chart Formats above).

Click + Select at the bottom to Select that item





STEP 4  Optional & Temporary

A  In the Filters window, with the Settings tab active, you can specify a date range for the Chart data

With the Filters tab active, you can use the down-arrows in the various fields to specify the parameters of the Chart data

C  When done, click Save at the bottom


While the Charts you include are permanent, any Settings and Filters adjustments you make here are only temporary; they will not ‘stick’ after you close Insites. Only Admins can set permanent Settings and Filters.



The selected chart type will now appear in the chosen Dashboard position.

•  To fill the other segments with Charts, repeat the instructions above, beginning with Step 2, Action C

•  Once all the segments are filled, click the green Save icon at the bottom to save your Dashboard

Note that you may have more than one Dashboard, for multiple Projects or multiple areas of responsibility.



•  Click Insite in the left main menu

•  Click the My Dashboards tab at top

•  If you have more than one Dashboard, click the appropriate orange tab

•  To temporarily define date-range Settings or other Filtered parameters, click the Gear icon at top right of the Chart

•  To temporarily adjust a Charts size/proportions, click on the margin between the Charts and drag

•  Click the 'hamburger' options icon at the upper right of a chart to either Print the chart, or download it to your computer in your preferred file format



A   Click Insite in the left main menu

B  Click the down-arrow at the top next to All Projects, and select a Project (or Worksite, Dept., etc.)

You may have access to InSite charts for one Project, multiple Projects, or combined data for All Projects.


If you have the proper Permissions, you will see two rows of tabs along the top, as shown below.

C  Choose a Level 1 Insite Group from the first set of tabs 
D  Choose a Level 2 Insite Group from the second set of tabs, to display one or more related charts




D  CHART OPTIONS: In the orange header bars above each chart, you can...      
•  Click the Gear Icon to open Settings, where you can specify a time frame, and access other options      
•  Click the Funnel Icon to open Filters where you can specify a sub-set of information to be displayed     

NOTE that the adjustments you Apply here are temporary. Only an Admin can make permanent changes.


•  Click the Question Mark to get additional information about this chart

•  Click the Double Arrow Icon to enlarge that chart to fill your browser window    

•  Below that, click the Menu Icon to print out the chart, or download it in a variety of file formats 

•  Click and drag the orange header bar to temporarily adjust the size/proportions of a chart