Forgotten or Reset Password

If your password has been forgotten,
go to the SafetyIQ Login page, enter your
email address then press Continue.

SafetyIQ log in portal app

Click on the 'Forgot your password?' button located next to the password section.

SafetyIQ log in portal web

Enter your email address in the provided
field and click on the 'Send verification code'
button. This action will trigger the system
to send a unique code to your email address.
Make sure to take note of this code as you
will need it later in the process.

enter email address to send verification code

Once you have received the unique verification code sent to your email inbox, simply enter it in the designated verification code box. Click 'Verify code' button to verify

enter your verification code

Once the Email Address has been verified, 
You will be able to continue. Press 'Continue'

create your password

Create a new password and ensure the password contains 3 out of 4 criteria: 

  • lowercase letters
  • uppercase letters
  • numbers
  • symbols

    Once you have created a new password and it has met the criteria, press Continue to set the new password. 

confirm new password

After successfully creating and setting your new password, you will be automatically redirected to the SafetyIQ application home page.

activity dashboard app