Useful ‘Insites’ for Audits

Charts for Analyzing Audit Results: • AUDIT HEAT MAP • SELF ASSESSMENT DYNAMIC CATEGORY ANALYSIS Chart for Analyzing Issue Follow-Up: • OPEN AUDIT ACTIONS Chart for Analyzing Auditor Participation: • AUDIT COUNT BY TEMPLATE TYP



The Safety Indicators Audits module isn’t just about gathering and archiving data from ongoing Audits. You’ll also find dozens of different ‘Insites’ charts for various analytic objectives. Each one compiles and displays information graphically, allowing you to see issues and trends that may have not been previously apparent.


That chart info can also be custom filtered to slice the data in ways that help you zoom in on what’s most important to you. For example, you can limit the chart data to a certain timeline, or to a specific worksite. You may also be able to isolate for a certain parameter across all worksites.


This continually updated trove of insights helps point the way toward corrective actions and continual-improvement initiatives that will make a genuine difference.


Although we’ll just be covering a few of the charts which are typically most useful to safety staff, most of the other charts work similarly. Feel free to explore the options, and fully leverage the power you now have at your fingertips.


In addition to Audit information graphics that reveal hidden problems in the workplace, there are others that focus on the status of corrective actions, and some that ensure that the required Audits are being conducted in the first place.






This chart can be particularly useful in quickly spotting trouble spots that need attention. Along the left axis are Audit categories, and along the bottom axis, in this example, are the company’s Projects, Departments or Worksites.


Performance is indicated by color: Dark green indicates a high performance level; red indicates poor performance, and the other shades of color indicate relative levels of performance. 


A vertical row that shows a lot of orange and red indicates a history of unsatisfactory performance for that facility. A horizontal row dominated by orange and red points to issues with that safety category across all facilities.


Heat Maps can also be set to gauge performance relative to factors other than the various worksites, such as the various supervisors.


Note the ‘Funnel’ icon at the top left of the chart. Click this to access the various Filters you can use. You can then display a chart that uses only a subset of the data, based on the parameters you specify. 








The left side of this chart shows the level of performance in a number of self-assessment categories. The height of each bar indicates the relative percentage of 100% perfect performance. 


With the categories arranged left-to-right in order of performance, the categories toward the right clearly require more attention than the categories toward the left.


The right side of this chart shows the percentage of the self-assessment responses that are considered Unacceptable, again by category.


Here, the categories toward the top, with a higher percentage of unacceptable responses, are the ones that may need further investigation and corrective action.








This is essentially a list of Unacceptable Audit responses, showing the Audit ID number, Corrective Action notes, the person assigning the Corrective actions, and the person assigned to complete them.


In the Due Date column, pending actions are indicated in green, and overdue actions are indicated in red, making it easy to see at a glance which items require prompt follow-up.


In the Audit Status column, similar color-coded boxes show the current status of the Corrective Action. Companies may customize these status indicators to suit their normal workflow.


To dig deeper into any particular item, you can click the Audit ID number. You can also click the paper clip ‘attachment’ icon, if present, to access supplementary information.








Here, you can quickly see which Audits have been conducted, and how many of each, over time. Each type of Audit is color-coded, for visual reference and comparison.


For each month, the Audit designations are stacked, and the height of each segment represents the completed number of that type of audit.


It’s easy to notice which months had the fewest number of Audits, so you can investigate what workplace factors may have interfered with the Audit program during those periods.


You may also see trends; for example, the number of Audits of a certain type may be declining month after month. 








This chart also tracks Audit history, but here, the number of Audits is shown relative to each Audit creator.


The green boxes indicate that at least one Audit was done by that creator during that month. The while boxes indicate that non were conducted.


A horizontal row that’s mostly green shows that that person has been conducting their Audits consistently. A row that’s mostly white should prompt an inquiry into why.


Also, you can see which months had the most Audits, and which months had the least, another possible area of further inquiry.