Amending a Team

Modifying a team: a step-by-step guide

After creating a Team, only an Administrator or a Manager has the authority to make changes to the following actions:

- Adding or removing members from the team

- Adding or removing Escalation Contacts

- Modifying Escalation times

- Adding or deleting Escalation Levels

- Activating or deactivating your Company Risk Assessments (If a Risk Assessment is not enabled, please get in touch with a JESI Customer Solutions Representative)

- Modifying the Team name

- Modifying the Reporting division

To make edits, go to the left-hand side menu and click on 'Teams'. Then, select the Team you want to edit by clicking on the drop-down arrows on the right-hand side or by clicking on the Team name. Finally, click on 'EDIT TEAM'.

To make edits, simply click on the 'EDIT TEAM' button.